Best Plants For A Good Digestion Diet: Horseradish, artichoke, Marie-Thistlee, Boldo
This one is known as the phytotherapy. Certain plants can help the digestive system. Those plants can improve an easier digestion in case of a slow digestion, bloating, flatulence, assist the digestion, protect the stomach and reduce the heatburn. Those herbals assume a better digestion.
There are a few plants category:
Tranquilizing plants to prevent indigestion problems caused by stress, anxiety or emotionel problems
Digestive plants to relieve intestinal irritation, the feeling of fullness or flatulence
Stimulant plants, that, with their bitter principles, increase the production of saliva, what the appetite and produce a betterr amount of gastric juices and bile, favoring the digestion. Those plants can improve an easier digestion in case of
Anti-heatburn plants that help to neutralize the excess of acidity
The best plants for the stomach: camomile, yarrow, tarragon, mint, wild celery, mango, penny royal, linden and agrimony
Plants especially suitable for flatus: fennel, cumin, coriander, anise, peper
Search Terms:
best plants for a good digestion
plants for a good digestion diet
plants for a good digestion
raphanus niger
digestive organs: stomac, liever, gall-blader, intestine
digestive herbs: French verveine, camomile (chamonie), cumin
improve a better digestion
assume a beter digestion
slow digestion
protect the stomac
reduce the heatburn
bloatoing stomach
intestinal irritation
digestive system
favorable effect on the digestion
assimilation of the nutritients containing fat
regulation of the glucose blood
sulfur heteroside
isothiocyante of sulphophene
choleretic properties
bilary excretion
perisaltic movements
transit of the faeces
to fight against the constipation
digestion with gas
evacuation of the saddles
organic acids: succinic, malic, citric
choleretic action
hepatic insufficiency
regenerator of the hepatic cell
intestinal peristalsis
evacuation of the faeces
blood cholesterol level
diuretic action
drainage of the gall-bladder
cirrhosis of the liver
cholagogue properties
leaf of the shrub of Chile
flavonic glucosides
genito-urlnary apparatus
Best Plants For A good digestion Diet: Horseradidh, Artichoke, Boldo, Marie-Thistlee
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horseradish peroxidase (hrp) Best Plants For A Good Digestion Diet: Horseradish, artichoke, Boldo, Marie-Thistlee | |
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